posts in english

Differential Fuzzing on coreutils Using LibAFL

25 June 2024 – Written by Valentin Huber – in LibAFL, coreutils,, cybersecurity, and fuzzing,

After reading about fuzzing and testing a fuzzer, I wanted to delve deeper into the inner workings. In discussions with my advisor, we found that there is a lot of work on some parts of fuzzers, such as advanced scheduling algorithms, but the oracle of what constitutes an illegal state has received comparably little attention.

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Live Albums

13 May 2024 – Written by Valentin Huber – in random

I’m a big fan of well-done live recordings and over the past years, my mind has accumulated a list of great live albums, from all over the genre spectrum, in no particular order:

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Running KLEE on GNU coreutils

13 February 2024 – Written by Valentin Huber – in KLEE, coreutils, cybersecurity, fuzzing, and symbex

While I read a lot about symbolic execution in fuzzing for a seminar, I wanted to actually do it. Since KLEE appeared to be one of the most influential fuzzing tool, I decided to attempt to reproduce the findings in their original paper. Additionally, I chose to compare different versions of GNU’s coreutils to investigate the quality of software over time.

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Challenges and Mitigation Strategies in Symbolic Execution Based Fuzzing Through the Lens of Survey Papers

15 December 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in cybersecurity, fuzzing, review, and symbex

In a security seminar at MSE I surveyed existing review papers on symbolic execution-based fuzzing and wrote my own survey paper. I focused on fundamental challenges that symbex introduces in fuzzing and classified the approaches I found to mitigate them into several categories. The work is available here.

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Undistractionate Instagram

12 December 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in random

Instagram is great at sucking as much time out of you as possible. While I enjoy seeing what people I know get up to, I find myself spending hours looking at random reels that add little value to my life. So I wrote a quick adblock list to block the app parts I don’t actually want to see. Specifically, it blocks:

  • The “Explore” tab
  • The “Reels” tab
  • Any suggested posts after you’ve seen all posts from accounts you follow

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HTB 2023 – WindowsOfOpportunity

08 December 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, decompile, ghidra, and rev


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HTB 2023 – BioBundle

08 December 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, cyberchef, decompile, ghidra, and rev


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TCP1P 2023 – Lock the Lock

13 October 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, decompile, pyc, python, rev, and tree


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Three Step Plan to Security

02 October 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in cybersecurity

tl;dr: Properly use a password manager on an up-to-date, backed-up device.

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07 July 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in Ghidra, cybersecurity, rev, and symbex

For my bachelor’s thesis, Silvan Flum and I developed Ghidrion, a plugin for Ghidra that allows the use of Morion, a suite of tools to use symbolic execution.

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picoCTF 2023 – who is it

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, email, forensics, and whois


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picoCTF 2023 – useless

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, grep, and man


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picoCTF 2023 – rotation

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in crypto, ctf, cyberchef, and rot13


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picoCTF 2023 – repetitions

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in base64, ctf, and python


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picoCTF 2023 – hideme

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in binwalk, ctf, forensics, and steg


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picoCTF 2023 – findme

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in base64, ctf, curl, cyberchef, and web


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picoCTF 2023 – Safe Opener 2

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, decompile, java, and rev


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picoCTF 2023 – SOAP

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, injection, web, and xxe


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picoCTF 2023 – Reverse

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, grep, rev, and strings


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picoCTF 2023 – ReadMyCert

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in cert, crypto, csr, ctf, and openssl


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picoCTF 2023 – PcapPoisoning

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, forensics, grep, pcap, and strings


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picoCTF 2023 – More SQLi

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, injection, sql, sqlmap, and web


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picoCTF 2023 – MSB

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, forensics, grep, steg, and stegonline


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picoCTF 2023 – HideToSee

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in crypto, ctf, forensics, python, steg, and steghide


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picoCTF 2023 – FindAndOpen

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in base64, ctf, cyberchef, forensics, pcap, and zip


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bsides2022 – Ninja 2

17 October 2022 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, flask, injection, python, and web


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bsides2022 – Ninja 1

17 October 2022 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, flask, injection, python, and web


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bsides2022 – Hinokuni

17 October 2022 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, injection, sql, and web


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bsides2022 – Extreme

17 October 2022 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, injection, web, and xxe


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bsides2022 – Crypto 3

17 October 2022 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ascii, crypto, and ctf


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bsides2022 – Confused

17 October 2022 – Written by Valentin Huber – in audio, ctf, forensics, mp3, and steg


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bsides2022 – Apples

17 October 2022 – Written by Valentin Huber – in ctf, php, and web


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Undistractionate YouTube

25 February 2022 – Written by Valentin Huber – in random

One thing I’ve done in the past is use a combination of hacks to hide certain distractions in YouTube to prevent me from falling down rabbit holes. Requirements (this is personal and might be different for you!):

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13 minutes to the moon

30 January 2022 – Written by Valentin Huber – in random

“13 minutes to the moon” might just be the best podcast ever made. Produced by the BBC, with a soundtrack by Hans Zimmer, it explores two of NASAs Apollo missions to the moon.

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