picoCTF 2023 – FindAndOpen

28 March 2023 – Written by Valentin Huber – in base64, blog, ctf, cyberchef, forensics, pcap, and zip


Someone might have hidden the password in the trace file. Find the key to unlock this file. This tracefile might be good to analyze.


The ZIP file asks for a password. So we’ll look at the tracefile to see if we can find anything.

Using !mdns as a filter (to remove packets by a chromecast), we are left with a few packets, most of which are duplicates. Here’s a list:

id Text (ASCII decoded) Packet No.
1 Flying on Ethernet secret: Is this the flag (Packets 1-9)
2 iBwaWNvQ1RGe1Could the flag have been splitted? (Packets 23-47)
3 AABBHHPJGTFRLKVGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgc2VjcmV0OiBwaWNvQ1RGe1IzNERJTkdfTE9LZF8= (Packet 48)
5 PBwaWUvQ1RGe1Maybe try checking the other file (Packets 58-65)

Packets with id 3 seems most interesting. If we remove the first few bytes (that are part of the Ethernet header), we are left with the string VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgc2VjcmV0OiBwaWNvQ1RGe1IzNERJTkdfTE9LZF8=. The = sign at the end of string one gave me the idea that this might be base64 encoded. So I threw it into cyberchef and got This is the secret: picoCTF{R34DING_LOKd_.

picoCTF{R34DING_LOKd_ was the password for the zip file, which contained a text file with the flag: picoCTF{R34DING_LOKd_fil56_succ3ss_419835ef}.