Hi! 👋 I'm Valentin Huber. I like computers, cybersecurity, guitars, music and podcasts. You'll find me writing about these and any other topic I might take an interest in.
Short CV
- I’m currently pursuing my master’s degree in computer science at ZHAW, focusing on cybersecurity.
- I have been accepted as a CYD Fellow to write my master’s thesis at Cyber-Defense Campus about fuzzing the TCP/IP stack of the real-time operating system Zephyr.
- I received my bachelor’s degree in computer science summa cum laude at ZHAW.
- I wrote my bachelor’s thesis about Ghidrion, a symbolic execution plugin for Ghidra, in collaboration with ZHAW and Cyber-Defense Campus.
- I got to study abroad for a semester at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC, USA.
- I did an internship at Syntegon.
- I attended Youth2Engineer at ZHAW.
- I graduated High School Schaffhausen.
Academic Projects
- Differential Fuzzing on coreutils Using LibAFL, Semester Project, 25.06.2024
- Running KLEE on GNU coreutils, Semester Project, 13.02.2024
- Challenges and Mitigation Strategies in Symbolic Execution Based Fuzzing Through the Lens of Survey Papers, Security Seminar, 15.12.2023
- Ghidrion: A Ghidra Plugin to Support Symbolic Execution, Bachelor Thesis in cooperation with Cyber Defence Campus, 09.06.2023
Other Projects
- deep, my open-source conversation game
- LibAFL, a fuzzing library written in Rust that I have contributed to extensively